Ordering Info:
Purchase Order: Click Here to send us a Purchase Order number - or send an email to sales@vitadigitalproductions.com. We'll send your set of 10 DVDs along with an invoice for $99.95 (free Priority Shipping), plus NC sales tax if applicable.
Pay with Credit Card: Please click on the button below to pay with a credit card using Paypal. Please tell us if you need an invoice marked "Paid."
Pay with Check: Please send a check for $99.95 plus NC Sales Tax if applicable, to VITA Digital Productions, PO Box 901, Randleman, NC 27317 along with your shipping address. Please tell us if you need an invoice marked "Paid."
Questions: Please email us by clicking here or call us at (336) 491-1023 or (336 495-5504.
Not Ready to Order the Set of 10? Want to order just one DVD as a test? Click here to order a single DVD from our catalog.
Order your Library's set of 10 DVDs today. Your patrons will thank you!